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  • Kayak Day Paddle on the Haw River - Cancelled

Kayak Day Paddle on the Haw River - Cancelled

  • 04/30/2023
  • Saxapahaw


Type of Outing: Paddle
When: SUN 4/30/2023
Signup Deadline: 4/28/2023 5:00 pm
Leader: Kathy Grillo
Email: kegrillo@bellsouth.net
Distance: 11 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Description: We’ll start at the Saxapahaw Mill Race Access and paddle about 5.5 miles to the Union Bridge Access, then paddle on another 5.5 miles to Chicken Bridge, totaling 11 miles of paddling. The whole paddle should take 5-6 hours depending upon the length of our lunch break. The moving water and intermittent rapids on this stretch of river make for a fantastic paddle. This is a lovely stretch with a good mix of rapids and calmer breaks. Wildlife is abundant on this section of river, with paddlers often seeing Bald Eagles. The new Union Bridge Paddle Access is open at Greensboro-Chapel Hill Road, which allows the trip to be broken up into two segments. With the two possible take-outs you can customize your trip for a long adventure or a shorter afternoon. Please let me know if you are interested. I’ll need to know the number of paddlers (and perhaps what type of car you drive) in order to figure out the shuttle, so please confirm by the 28th at the latest. **This paddle is dependent upon water levels! If the river is not safely navigable I will let you know the day before, the 29th.
Required Gear: Life Jacket, Kayak, Paddle

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